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P.E Provision

Primary School’s Sports Funding


What is the Sport’s Premium?

To assist the delivery of high quality primary PE and sport, each primary school receives £16,000 per year, plus an additional £10 per pupil from Yr1- Yr6. For Beech Street this means £17,720 in the academic year 2022/23.

This funding is called The Sport Premium.


Provision in school

As a school we already provide high quality PE and sport, and our intention is that this funding will further enhance the existing provision in school.

The Governors agree that the funding must be used so that:

         All children benefit regardless of sporting ability;

·         All children have the opportunity to compete in competitions at some level;

·         Children have increased access to PE and sporting after-school clubs;


·         Staff have access to training opportunities and continued professional development.

This year, we will also spend our premium on additional swimming lessons for the children in year 6 who cannot swim 25 metres. 


Reporting Outcomes

Updates relating to our provision for PE and sport will be provided throughout the school year. 


The impact of the funding will also be reported annually to parents and governors.

21/22 Data

Sports Premium Report 2022-23 

to be updated with Impact statements by September