0161 9211606

Welcome to Our Website! Click to scroll down

These are just some of our policies. 

If there is something else you need please contact he school office. 

If you wish to translate any of our policies please download the policy and then upload it to Google Translate following this

Statutory School Policies  

 Accessibility Policy 2022-2025.docxDownload
 Admissions Arrangements 202324.docxDownload
 Anti-Bullying Policy 202324.docDownload
 Attendance Policy 202324.docDownload
 Charging and Remissions Policy 202324.docxDownload
 CLALAC Child Policy 202324.docDownload
 Early Career Teacher Framework Policy 202324.docDownload
 Early Years Foundation Stage Policy 202324.docxDownload
 Equality Objectives 2023-2026.docxDownload
 Equality Policy 2023-2025.docxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 18

Non - Statutory Policies 

 Asthma Policy.pdfDownload
 Beech Street Local Offer.pdfDownload
 Bereavement Policy.docxDownload
 Child on Child Abuse Policy.docxDownload
 Dealing with complaints about a Governor.docxDownload
 Extreme weathersnow closure plan .docDownload
 Governing Body CODE OF CONDUCT.pdfDownload
 Governors Investigation Panel Policy.docxDownload
 Grievance Policy.docxDownload
 Homework Policy.docxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 21